Discover the Power of Expert Procurement Services

Maximize Your Procurement Potential with GPC's Customizable Services

  • Facilitation of sourcing process from ideation to full system implementation.

  • Customize procurement training to make it relevant to a company’s environment. May be beneficial to develop case studies from the company as the backbone for the training classes. What is critical is to ensure the classes are customized to relate it to the company’s procurement environment.

  • Small high growth companies typically have a few buyers doing procurement execution. The company’s growth then results in need to establish a procurement organization by hiring a procurement manager, installing needed procurement processes/systems, and implementing procurement policies for governance and compliance.

  • Providing support to a firm to do a procurement assessment of the company being purchased for both governance and cost savings recommendations.

  • Defining the vendor integration process to transition vendors to the acquiring company’s contracts. This process is a partnership between legal, procurement, and the business Stakeholders.

  • Project to increase payment terms with all suppliers.

  • Determining which procurement intelligence partners to work with to enhance your company’s procurement capabilities.

    Benefits can include guidance on spend categories and benchmarking other companies on their procurement competency.

  • Educating Sales teams on the intricacies of their clients’ procurement processes.

  • GPC will consider fractional employment opportunities to take on a procurement lead role for an agreed time period to build the procurement infrastructure.

  • Key procurement metrics to consider are cost savings, procurement cycle time, managed spend, % preferred, and % competitive bids over a certain PO $ threshold.

  • GPC has designed/implemented processes including cost savings tracker, competitive bids, sourcing, spend category reviews w/ stakeholders, taxonomy, PR execution, preferred suppliers, expense reimbursement reviews, and travel workflow approval.

  • A simple spend analytics solution can be implemented within 1-2 months by doing an extract of payment data, normalizing this data, and just using excel/google sheets as a front end. A longer term solution can be implemented with more robust data normalization and using a report writer.

  • Through business process management, focus on the key procurement processes: sourcing, supplier setup, infosec, contract, PR/PO, and invoice. Understand the filter process when a process is optional, and understand the critical path items.

  • A company may want to consider low cost resources for procurement support through a BPO or a shared services model (company internal resources in a low cost country).

  • Key procurement policies are T&E (travel & expense), procurement, pcard, and contract policies.

  • Process would be to interview procurement team, key stakeholders, legal, and finance to understand priorities and key pain points. And then come up with recommendations with a roadmap strategy. Use this link to fill procurement assessment form.

  • At the beginning of each year it is beneficial to generate/refresh the spend category strategies. Strategies would include priorities, spend profile, stakeholders, actions w/ dates and owners, and SWOT assessment.

  • At the beginning of each year it is beneficial to set up a meeting with the key stakeholders to review the spend for the business unit by cost center, by supplier, by entity, by category, including contract pipeline, etc.

    These meetings can be quite powerful to have a dialog on what has been spent and what the pipeline looks like for new and renewal deals with suppliers going into the new year.